WM-Chemical Engineering
The Chemical Engineering Study Program was established at the beginning of the 1986-1987 academic year by Decree of the Widya Mandala Foundation Number: 028/I/DIV/1986 dated 19 April 1986. Based on the decision of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education No. 0492/SK/LAM Teknik/AS/VIII/2024, concerning Accreditation and Ranking of Study Programs in Undergraduate Programs, starting 21 Agustus 2024, the Chemical Engineering Study Program accredited with the highest rating Excellent (ID. UNGGUL).​
With harmonious and strong cooperation with Taiwan Tech (NTUST, Taiwan) since 2014 and Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT, China) since 2019, a joint degree program was opened, with the approval of the Directorate General of Science, Technology and Higher Education --- Decree of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education no. 932/C/KL/2017. With the development of cooperation between the Faculty of Engineering and domestic and foreign institutions, in 2020 the Joint Degree program will be expanded into an International Program or International Bachelor Program (IBP) and by implementing the Merdeka Campus curriculum, the Chemical Engineering Study Program provides opportunities for students to develop and obtain recognition from worldwide.
In addition, the Chemical Engineering Study Program also has close and strong partnerships with major-domestic industries, such as PT. Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (RAPP, APRIL) and PT. UBS. The cooperation support internships (practical work) based Merdeka Campus Curriculum, guest lectures from industry practitioners, recognition of past learning, and recruitment programs.
Our Vision
To be an excellent study program in engineer and technology field, and to produce engineers whose qualified nationally, regionally, and internationally and imbued with Pancasila and Catholic values.
Menjadi Program Studi Teknik Kimia yang unggul di bidang enjinering dan teknologi serta menghasilkan lulusan yang mampu bersaing di tingkat nasional, regional, dan internasional dengan dijiwai oleh nilai-nilai Pancasila dan prinsip-prinsip Katolik.
Our Mission
​​Organizing quality education to produce competent Chemical Engineering graduates so as to be able to meet the needs of the market and industry.
Utilizing natural resources through research and solving actual problems in society and industry, by valuing to professional morals and ethics.
Expanding the strong partnership with industries, national and international educational institutions, and the government.
Menyelenggarakan pendidikan yang bermutu untuk menghasilkan sarjana Teknik Kimia yang berkompeten sehingga mampu memenuhi kebutuhan pasar kerja dan menciptakan lapangan kerja.
Melaksanakan penelitian untuk pemanfaatan sumber daya alam serta penyelesaian masalah aktual di masyarakat dan industri.
Memperluas jaringan kerjasama dengan industri, institusi pendidikan nasional dan internasional, serta pemerintah.
Our Value

Responsibility & Integrity
We equip students to make a positive impact in industry and society through ethical engineering practices, empowering them to address societal and environmental needs responsibly.

Critical thinking & Innovation
We cultivate a vibrant learning environment where students thrive not only through classroom activities, but also by engaging in diverse, collaborative, and multidisciplinary experiences that promote continuous growth and development.

Risk taking & Creativity
We champion bold, creative, and innovative research and education initiatives, embracing the potential for transformative impact—and we’re unafraid to take risks along the way.

PPM-1: Memiliki kepakaran di bidang pengolahan bahan, lingkungan berkelanjutan, energi terbarukan, material maju bidang farmasi dan pangan, dan bioteknologi.
Expertise in the fields of material valorization, sustainable environment, renewable energy, advanced materials in pharmaceutical and food sectors, and biotechnology.
PPM-2: Menunjukkan jiwa kepemimpinan, kemampuan beradaptasi, dan integritas kepribadian dalam lingkup profesional dengan didasari etika profesi dan nilai keutamaan peduli, komit, antusias (PeKA).
Demonstrate a leadership spirit, adaptability and personal integrity in the professional sphere by showing professional ethics and the virtues of caring, commit, and enthusiastic.
PPM-3: Mengembangkan kompetensi diri secara berkelanjutan melalui pendidikan formal/non-formal atau menerapkan technopreneurship.
Develop self-competence continuously through formal/non-formal education or implementing technopreneurship
Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan
(Learning Outcomes)
CPL-1: Mampu menerapkan ilmu dasar teknik dan prinsip-prinsip teknik kimia dalam menyelesaikan masalah kompleks secara komprehensif.
(Able to apply basic engineering knowledge and chemical engineering principles in solving complex problems comprehensively)
CPL-2: Mampu merancang proses, sistem dan alat proses yang menjawab kebutuhan dalam batasan yang realistik dengan mempertimbangkan faktor ekonomi, kesehatan dan keselamatan publik, sosial, lingkungan dan keberlanjutannya.
(Able to design processes, systems and process tools that answer needs within realistic limits by considering economic, public health and safety, social, environmental and sustainability factors)
CPL-3: Mampu mendesain dan melakukan percobaan di laboratorium/lapangan serta menganalisa dan menginterpretasikan data dalam mengevaluasi penilaian rekayasa.
(Able to design and conduct experiments in the laboratory/field as well as analyze and interpret data in evaluating engineering judgements)
CPL-4: Mampu berkomunikasi secara lisan dan tertulis serta memahami tanggung jawab sesuai dengan etika profesi dan norma yang berlaku di masyarakat.
(Able to communicate verbally and in writing and understand responsibilities in accordance with professional ethics and norms applicable in society)
CPL-5: Mampu merencanakan, mengeksekusi dan mengevaluasi suatu proyek dalam kurun waktu tertentu dengan bekerjasama dalam ruang lingkup multidisiplin dan multikultural.
(Able to plan, execute and evaluate a project within a certain time period by collaborating within a multidisciplinary and multicultural scope)
CPL-6: Mampu memahami dan menerapkan prinsip technopreneurship dalam memanfaatkan kearifan lokal dalam menjawab kebutuhan masyarakat.
(Able to understand and apply technopreneurship principles in utilizing local wisdom to answer community needs.
CPL-7: Mampu memahami pentingnya peningkatan kompetensi diri secara berkelanjutan dan pemanfaatan teknologi informasi.
(Able to understand the importance of continuously improving personal competence and utilizing information technology)